Create a Broadcast message

by Ryan Hallett

From your hub page head to the left hand side and select chat or select the "start chat' tile on the page.

New Hub.png

On the chat page you will have the ability to select chats that are already open or start a new chat.

Click on new chat. 

New Chat.png

Select broadcast from the dropdown.

New Broadcast.png

You can then input a name and select the clients or client groups that you would like the message to be sent to, they will send out individually to all of those clients. 

Screenshot 2024-09-17 at 15.58.19.png

You can now enter the message to your broadcast group and select send once complete.

Screenshot 2024-09-17 at 16.02.26.png

Next to the send button there is a time icon, which means you can schedule messages at a specific time and date for your clients.

Screenshot 2024-09-17 at 16.04.08.png


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